
Sunday 12 October 2014

Forced Connection - Part 2

Task: to think of 10 ways where a a pair of contrasted objects, when combined, satisfy a new form as well as function.

Topic 1: nature vs man-made
Topic 2: hard vs soft

Man-made & Nature

For this assignment I paired up with Tracey, and we came up with these cool things:

1. GHOST ROCKET ( Rocket + Ghost)
       ghost rocket that can fly really fast and be invisible like a ghost.

2. MAD MUD ( Candy + Mud )
a Halloween candy. It will look hard on the outside, but when put inside mouth... EEK! A mud- texture gooey candy splashes on your tongue. Beware: it's hot too.

3. MINI X-RAY (X-ray + Mouth)
a dentist's tool of portable x- ray device, designed for mouth. It can check the health condition of mouth&gums. I was also thinking about another idea: Mouth is something we use to say something. With mouth x-ray, we can know what a person is about to say, as the words will appear before it goes out.

4. PB&J (Jam + Peanut)

Nature: Peanut
Mandmade: Jelly
OMG this is so far one of the best innovation of mankind. Peanut butter + Jelly = match made in heaven. Go ahead and make one... if you haven't ever tasted it. You're welcome!

A helpful tool for bathing purposes. Head of flamingo will act as body brush as its neck is long, making it easy to reach far back. Its body is perfect for soap compartment. And who can resist a cute pink flamingo to accompany us bathing? ;-)

6. SPARKLING COCONUT (Champagne + Coconut)
      a coconut shell that is used as base for champagne. The coconut shell will sparkle, owning the property of champagne.

Hard & Soft

It's been realized. Cute panda on a shell. ( with shell = egg characteristic)


A stuffed panda toy inside an "egg". Crack the egg and you'll get a cute panda!
The idea was taken from something we're all familiar with:

Believe me, this stuff is so cool. So please continue reading!

Mothers and dads around the world face the similar problem when it comes to changing their babies' diaper: The smell! egh! And that's the ultimate barrier to keep the babies hygiene. But now the question shall be ended because we've found an answer: ARROW DIAPER.

                  A man playing dart

Imagine the dart board is the baby, and the diaper is attached to the arrow. Parents do not need to come close to the babies to help them wear diapers, just snap the arrow and the diaper will fly to the babies' genitalia. 

 make a bohemian necklace!


a hard-surfaced translucent bubble inspired by anything with shell. (including turtle)

and this. Human sized bubble, floated on water that makes us move reeeeeaaaally sloooow like a turtle.

Thursday 9 October 2014

The Pencil Metaphor

Different kind of pencils to represent different character

Wooden: old-fashioned,friendly 
Mechanical: high technology, efficient and practical
Colored: expressive and happy 
Graphite: remarkable, strong, not prone to breakage


Her legs are pencil- thin, I wonder if she starves herself or naturally skinny!

If you have a friend who's really good at maths, you can compliment him/ her: your brain is as sharp as a pencil!

When we think of a way to solve difficult problem, our thoughts could tangle up and create a mess.

Different Thickness of Pencil Marks

Let's think of the thick pencils as confident people, and the thin pencils as the shy. The more you're confident, the more REMARKABLE you are and thus people can't ERASE you from their thoughts easily.

Pencil has different sides

The Narrative


Meet Mr. Survivor, a pencil man who makes it through everything. The secret of his success? He uses his physical features in the highest level of functionality. So even if the roughest day possible happens, he always manages to be fine on his own.
 One day, an unexpected snowfall happened in the village and no one was prepared to walk on the slippery road. But it's not a problem for Mr. Survivor... since he could glide easily on the snow with his ice skating- suitable foot!

Enjoying his ice-skating a bit too much, Mr. S didn't realize that there was a deep cliff a few metres away from where he stood. He was shocked, but he got an idea to overcome the problem...

the roll down

He lay down on the ground and roll his body, knowing that it will stop rolling after a while because of the flat body sides.

Surviving the cliff, Mr. Survivor was relieved and he stood up and walk again. Turned out that he hadn't gained his balance back, resulting him to stumble over a big rock. 

But he's still okay, because he's got the rubber helmet on top of his head.


Creative Innovations Inspired by Pencils

Gardening Pencils - practical to use to note down things while gardening.

Flexible Pencils -- because straight pencils are boring!

 Pencil Nail- Art

Pencil- shaped LED- Light with the "scribble" cable

Experimentation Using Pencil Shavings

The ballerina skirt, which is called "Tutu", is made of layers of tulle fabric. The similar look can be achieved by combining layers of pencil shaving together and place them in to the silhouette.

Garden of morning glory flowers

A Plate of Exotic Spices

Pencil Sea Urchins (this one isn't made by me)
We can also see them as durian, porcupine, and other spiky things.

Indeed, durian spikes  remind me of sharp pencil ends.

A drawing and design of durian I did quite a while ago for drawing module.
My ideal durian is filled with pink cotton candy instead of the fruit flesh itself!

Monday 6 October 2014

Forced Connection - Part 1

Task : To relate adjectives to random objects and create some meaning and/or story
Time: 45 minutes

Gah, ain't those words even too random to connect together? 

But at the end, the whole point of this module is to train the mind.

1. Passionate - Candle

Passion is symbolized by the big flame it carries.
On fire = passionate!

Candle is something we'd want to call passionate, for it is always willing to sacrifice its wax to light the fire, even if it means its body has to gradually diminish and nothing will be left. Reminds me of never- ending love of a mother, always gives and never hopes for something in return.
I only wonder if the melted wax is actually candle's tears. 
... Aw :(

2. Sad - Plug 

Plug is sad and pathetic, for it can not function if not inserted into the socket. What a dependent soul! Dependent means needy, and if one always needs another in order to live, it is not a good thing. Chance to survive life: low.

The sadness can also be portrayed by the sad "face" of plug.

This is another evidence we find on our screens occasionally:

3.Brave - Pencil

Pencil is brave, for it wants to hurt itself by running bare-feet on a clean paper. Its graphite may stain, it also may write/ sketch/ draw something beautiful. Who knows what a pencil could do? But as it stepped on a surface, game on: a pencil is a risk- taker. Think ice- skater and roller- blader!

Refer to a narrative of pencil i made here

4. Creative - Computer Mouse

Quoted from, to be creative is to map out a thousand different routes to reach one destination

Wait... mapping out a thousand different routes to reach one destination? That sounds like what a computer mouse would do when it's browsing on internet!

Click, click, click, we're brought to new tabs and windows of web pages and get to discover new knowledge. A mouse is adventurous and curious.

It also adapts really well to new environment, since its usb "tail" can connect to various devices.

A computer mouse is able to multi task as well: with just a click, a lot could be done. A creative person can do a lot of things and is willing to pull all of his talents out for the better of his surrounding. A mouse truly has balls! Pun intended.

Click, click, don't you  already feel like putting your dance shoes on?

5. Greedy - Cup

I love pretty tea cups. Nevertheless, if something from the list is to be connected to the word "greedy" ( which it is ) I have to choose cup, for its various characteristics.
  • Its hollow opening shows that it is ready to take a big quantity of water/tea/other drinks
  • Its folding arm reflects bossiness
  • Its straight bottom part disables its body to tilt/ rotate, so it just sits all the time doing nothing.
  • It sits on a saucer, although it knows that it weighs heavy after being filled with tea.

6. Hardworking - Clock

Clock never stops ticking, as it is running under time and time waits for no one. Its hands don't get tired of moving 24/7. Yet it still finds time in the morning to wake you up whenever you want it to do. A clock is tireless and full of energy.

Associated with number, clock also represents hard-work. Number could relate to quantity, mathematics and money. A lot of people work hard so that they can achieve good amount of money and live well.

I found this picture of traditional sand - clock.
I feel like this is somehow connected to "hardworking" as well. The little space in the middle makes it difficult for the sand to get through. It takes a long time to fill up one section/side of the clock; just like a hard work that takes a long process.

(never did I know I would ever have clock as a role model)