Task: to think of 10 ways where a a pair of contrasted objects, when combined, satisfy a new form as well as function.
Topic 1: nature vs man-made
Topic 2: hard vs soft
Man-made & Nature
For this assignment I paired up with Tracey, and we came up with these cool things:
ghost rocket that can fly really fast and be invisible like a ghost.
a Halloween candy. It will look hard on the outside, but when put inside mouth... EEK! A mud- texture gooey candy splashes on your tongue. Beware: it's hot too.
a dentist's tool of portable x- ray device, designed for mouth. It can check the health condition of mouth&gums. I was also thinking about another idea: Mouth is something we use to say something. With mouth x-ray, we can know what a person is about to say, as the words will appear before it goes out.
1. GHOST ROCKET ( Rocket + Ghost)
2. MAD MUD ( Candy + Mud )
3. MINI X-RAY (X-ray + Mouth)
4. PB&J (Jam + Peanut)
Nature: Peanut
Mandmade: Jelly
OMG this is so far one of the best innovation of mankind. Peanut butter + Jelly = match made in heaven. Go ahead and make one... if you haven't ever tasted it. You're welcome!
A helpful tool for bathing purposes. Head of flamingo will act as body brush as its neck is long, making it easy to reach far back. Its body is perfect for soap compartment. And who can resist a cute pink flamingo to accompany us bathing? ;-)
6. SPARKLING COCONUT (Champagne + Coconut)
Hard & Soft
It's been realized. Cute panda on a shell. ( with shell = egg characteristic)
A stuffed panda toy inside an "egg". Crack the egg and you'll get a cute panda!
The idea was taken from something we're all familiar with:
Believe me, this stuff is so cool. So please continue reading!
Mothers and dads around the world face the similar problem when it comes to changing their babies' diaper: The smell! egh! And that's the ultimate barrier to keep the babies hygiene. But now the question shall be ended because we've found an answer: ARROW DIAPER.
A man playing dart
Imagine the dart board is the baby, and the diaper is attached to the arrow. Parents do not need to come close to the babies to help them wear diapers, just snap the arrow and the diaper will fly to the babies' genitalia.
a hard-surfaced translucent bubble inspired by anything with shell. (including turtle)
and this. Human sized bubble, floated on water that makes us move reeeeeaaaally sloooow like a turtle.