
Sunday 17 August 2014



Yes. Sadly these things are still in my "imagination" state of mind rather than reality. I was quite upset when I reflected upon myself why this happens just now. Anyhow let us analyze what prevents me from doing these things, and whether in the future I can work something out.


Cooking is one of my favorite things to do. It makes me feel calm and relax, and making the food myself satisfies me in the overall experience. Especially if I get to share my cooking with other people. I believe food as a way to bond people together. I cook normally at least once a week during school days, doing convenient food such as pancakes, oatmeal and rice to have the week afterwards as breakfast. I like desserts and other savory dishes, and I wish I can cook more often of them. 
MONEY and TIME are barriers when it comes to cooking. Often times I have to cancel a recipe that I want to cook due to many ingredients which will exceed my budget, and other times I find it would be a waste of money to buy some ingredients that I won't be using frequently in the future.
Second, time. Since I'm a student, I have homework and assignments to do after school. Cooking and cleaning the dishes afterwards will surely kill my time and make me exhausted before I do anything else.

2. Do Homework

I'm very good at planning stuffs I should do, especially with HW and assignments. Once the lists are done, I will feel relieved and the riddle in my mind would untangle a bit. Sometimes, just even by writing those lists I would feel happy as if I have actually put my 'to-do's into realization, while I totally haven't. 
But then, there is this devilish behavior that I try to fight but in times I could not resist; when it comes to doing the things I should be doing : PROCRASTINATION.

This has been my ultimate barrier so far, and throughout time I have been trying hard to detach myself from it. To me procrastination happens because of these factors/aspects:

*A 'perfectionist' attitude
-> To spend too much time thinking/ wondering/ waiting for the 'right' time to do something in order to get the best result out of that. But I learn from experience that there is no such thing as perfect timing and actually the best thing you can do is to firstly get started.

->doesn't need to be explained, right?

3. Travel

I wish I could discover new places everyday. Although public transportation in this country is regarded as really good, I still can't go everywhere without wasting my time. I live in a place with the MRT route still being constructed, so I go by buses most of the time. My place is also quite remote, so DISTANCE  matter occurs here. I do hope, though, in a few years time I could travel a lot more. I also do not own a car, which I believe will save a lot of time and able to bring me to a lot of exciting places I want to go. 

4. Read

I had this goal to read more in this year and currently I still manage to try my best to do it. I regularly visit libraries to see and borrow the books that interest me. Buuuut, sometimes after borrowing the times, I neglect them for a few days/ a week because I'm tempted to do other things. 
(Lack of) CONCENTRATION  is another thing that disturbs me when I read. Often times my mind flies somewhere else while reading something.
But hey, I'm really working on this one! YEah!

5. Train my arts (and other hobbies)

Do creative things like painting, making collage, illustrate, hand embroidery, crafts, etc.

SO, at the end, do you think it is possible to do these things daily from now on?

Yyyyyyya. I think I'm able to do homework, reading, and train my arts if I'm really willing to do them; and somehow they are related to each other. As an art student, by doing my homework I also train my arts and while doing some research for assignments, I enrich myself with knowledge that surely is useful for me. Score!

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